• Tuesday, January 02, 2018 12:20 PM | Deleted user



    Addiction is a highly stigmatized, complex brain disease which has never been well understood by societies since humans first discovered mood altering substances.Temple Sinai congregant Dr. Mark Winsberg has graciously offered to present a talk about this highly important and timely topic.

    The purpose of his talk is to:

    1. provide a conceptual framework to better understand addiction
    2. share current data about the status of the opioid epidemic in our
    3. talk about the many efforts to deal with the epidemic in Rochester
    4. answer any questions listeners may have

    Mark Winsberg, MD, BCFM, DABAM, is the Medical Director of Chemical Dependency Services at Rochester Regional Health. He is board certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, worked for 17 years as an Emergency Room Physician and ER Medical Director at Clifton Springs Hospital. He has been working in Addiction Medicine for the last nine years in both inpatient and outpatient settings.


    Teens, college students, and other young adults are encouraged to attend. Not for women only.


    PLEASE RSVP TO CAROL YUNKER AT VPKelly@aol.com OR 385-3910

  • Thursday, December 21, 2017 8:25 AM | Deleted user

    Register for Medicare Learning Network events.

    As part of the broader HHS commitment to improving the Medicare appeals process, CMS will make available a settlement option for providers and suppliers (appellants) with fewer than 500 appeals pending at the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) and the Medicare Appeals Council (the Council) at the Departmental Appeals Board.

    During this call, learn about the low volume appeals settlement option and how the settlement process will work. CMS speakers discuss how to identify whether you are eligible and which of your pending appeals may be settled. Visit the Low Volume Appeals Initiative webpage for more information.

    This call will not include a question and answer session. Submit questions in advance toMedicareSettlementFAQs@cms.hhs.gov. Questions may be addressed during the call or used for materials following the call. 

  • Tuesday, December 19, 2017 9:17 AM | Deleted user

    Interactive, animated video brings Be Antibiotics Aware to life. Use it on waiting room TVs, or via social media, also in links in your newsletters Add the video to your organization’s website or share via social media to highlight the importance of smart use & giving patients the best care all year long. To view the Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer animated video on YouTube, visit: http://bit.ly/2zeBV1m.

  • Wednesday, December 13, 2017 9:12 AM | Deleted user

    The 2018 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes includes all of ADA's current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide clinicians, patients, researchers, payers, and others with the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals, and tools to evaluate the quality of care. The recommendations are based on an extensive review of the clinical diabetes literature, supplemented with input from ADA staff and the medical community at large. The Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes is updated annually, or more frequently online if new evidence or regulatory changes merit immediate incorporation.

  • Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:17 AM | Deleted user

    World Aids Day Festival of Songs is Dec. 2 @ 6 pm. This event is important to the Rochester affiliate of the Black Leadership Commission (NBLCA) on AIDS  – educating our community about HIV/AIDS while worshiping through song. They will take up a free will offering to assist NBLCA in their activities and programming throughout the year.

    Click to download flyer

  • Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:07 PM | Deleted user

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, November 14, at 1:00 p.m. ET to provide an overview of the Quality Payment Program Year 2 final rule (for calendar year 2018). CMS issued the final rule with comment period and interim final rule with comment period for the second year of the Quality Payment Program on November 2.

    Webinar Details 

    CMS encourages participants to review the final rule fact sheet and the executive summary prior to the webinar. Additional resources are also available on the CMS website.

    CMS is also hosting the following webinars in November on various Quality Payment Program topics:

    Overview of Virtual Groups

    Quality Payment Program Year 2 Final Rule National Provider Call

    Please note: Space for these webinars is limited. Register now to secure your spot.

    For More Information

    For more information about the Quality Payment Program, please visit: qpp.cms.gov.

  • Friday, November 10, 2017 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    The Provider Ombudsman for the New Medicare Card serves as a CMS resource for the provider community. The Ombudsman will ensure that CMS hears and understands any implementation problems experienced by clinicians, hospitals, suppliers, and other providers. Dr. Eugene Freund will be serving in this position. He will also communicate about the New Medicare Card to providers and collaborate with CMS components to develop solutions to any implementation problems that arise. To reach the Ombudsman, contact: NMCProviderQuestions@cms.hhs.gov.

    The Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman and CMS staff will address inquiries from Medicare beneficiaries and their representatives through existing inquiry processes. Visit Medicare.gov for information on how the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman can help you.

  • Thursday, November 09, 2017 1:46 PM | Deleted user

    MLMIC Updates FAQs With Latest on Berkshire Hathaway Transaction


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