Why I joined:
I was new to Rochester and right out of training. So, I needed to learn how it all worked.
Because MCMS supports physicians and the care of our patients! Anyone who thinks they can go it alone is cheating themselves and the profession. Outside forces are happy to run roughshod over us; the best defense is to be informed and stick together! MCMS is well run, stable and effective.
What do you think is the most valuable benefit or service offered by MCMS?
MCMS’s stability, longevity and connectivity among all the specialties and practice styles. A neutral ground for all local docs. MCMS has its eye on all the issues that affect our ability to run our practices and care for our patients…a lot of stuff that I couldn’t deal with on my own.
What has MCMS done for you?
“Anyone who thinks they can go it alone is cheating themselves and the profession. Any local doc who is not a registered, dues-paying member is still benefiting from the work of MCMS…get on board!”