New MIPS Resources are Now Available in the QPP Resource Library

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 3:05 PM | Deleted user

CMS has posted the following new Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) resources on

  • 2019 Virtual Groups Toolkit: Includes an overview fact sheet, which details what virtual groups are and how to participate in a virtual group in 2019; an election process fact sheet that describes the process for forming a virtual group; a sample virtual group election submission email; and a virtual group agreement template.  
  • 2018 Cost Performance Category Fact Sheet (updated): Offers an overview of the Cost performance category including how the cost performance category is weighted and scored.
  • 2018 Claims Data Submission Fact Sheet: Provides details on how to submit Quality performance category data through claims for the 2018 performance year.
  • 2018 MIPS Specialty Measures Guides for Anesthesiologists and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), Cardiologists, and Radiologists: Highlights a non-exhaustive list of measures and activities for the Quality, Cost, Improvement Activities and Promoting Interoperability performance categories that may apply to anesthesiologists and CRNAs, cardiologists, and radiologists in 2018.
  • MIPS Data Validation Criteria: Includes an overview fact sheet and the 2018 criteria used to audit and validate data submitted in the Quality, Improvement Activities, and Promoting Interoperability performance categories.
  • 2018 Eligible Measure Applicability (EMA) Resources: Provides an overview of the Eligibility Measure Applicability (EMA) process and lists individual quality measures for both registry and claims data submission.

For More Information

Contact the Quality Payment Program at or 1-866-288-8292 (TTY: 1-877-715-6222). 
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