MCMS offers many ways to interact and communicate with our members in print, in person and online. This year we have created a comprehensive media kit to help you decide and create a personalized package that works for best for you. Click here for our 2025 Media Kit and please contact Jen Casasanta at with questions! 

Publication Advertising

By working with MCMS through advertising you have an opportunity to target an audience of 1000+ local physicians, their office staff and patients. For additional information on advertising, contact Jen Casasanta, MCMS Communications Manager, via email.

The Bulletin, an editorial-based magazine which has been in publication for nearly three-quarters of a century, is the official publication of the Monroe County Medical Society. Published four times a year with a subscriber base of 1,000, The Bulletin is an essential resource for Rochester area physicians. Distribution includes area hospitals, libraries, legislators, allied health care professionals, retired physicians, community health organizations, health care stakeholders, and local media.

Each issue focuses on topics of interest to physicians relevant to the medical practice and business side of medicine, as well as legislative updates and member news.

Write for The Bulletin: If you are a physician member and would like to write an article for The Bulletin, contact Jen Casasanta, MCMS Communications Manager, via email. 

Subscribe to The Bulletin
E-mail your subscription order. A one-year subscription costs $25. Call us at (585) 473-7573 with for payment via credit card. 

Publication Advertising

Doctor's Advice magazine is written by Rochester area physicians and published by MCMS. Doctor's Advice seeks to empower the public with the information to participate as partners in their healthcare and spotlights the quality of care available in the area. Each issue is mailed to members of the Monroe County Medical Society. Doctor's Advice is circulated through the patient reception areas of physician offices, hospitals; and other healthcare providers, as well as local Wegmans' pharmacies.

Advertise in Doctor's Advice magazine
Read Doctor's Advice magazine

Write for Doctor's Advice: If you are a physician member and would like to write an article for Doctor's Advice, contact Jen Casasanta, MCMS Communications Manager, via email.

The MCMS Directory of Members is a valuable reference tool that is used and trusted by physicians members of the Monroe County Medical Society and the Seventh District Branch of the Medical Society of the State of New York. The MCMS Directory lists physicians alphabetically and by zip code. Information is up-to-date and reliable, which is one reason physicians and their staff frequently claim that one of the best perks of being a member of the MCMS is being listed in and receiving a copy of the directory. 

Advertising in the directory allows you to stay at the fingertips of physicians. The MCMS Directory is published annually. Members and advertisers receive one complimentary copy and additional copies can be purchased at an extra charge.

Advertise in the Directory

Stay at the fingertips of physicians and their office staff all year long!

Email & Website Advertising

Website Advertising
The Monroe County Medical Society website is a valuable resource to Rochester physicians, their office staff, and the medical community. The robust site, receives 5,000 page views each month, provides current and accurate information on upcoming events, community health alerts, managed care news, legislation affecting healthcare and more. Physicians and their staff log into the website regularly to manage their own online profile, access member resources, and register for programs. Patients and the general public visit our site to use our Find a Physician feature.

Advertise on the Website

The Weekly Update The MCMS Update is sent out weekly by email to more than 1,000 physicians. This digital update serves to inform our physician members on upcoming events, important practice related information, advocacy and member benefits and services.

There are two available color ad spaces per e-mail blast.

Advertise in the Weekly Email Update


Through sponsorship, Monroe County Medical Society honors its commitment to building productive, collaborative and beneficial relationships between local businesses and the physician community, while providing the highest possible quality educational seminars and events for its physicians and their staff members. 

We have a number of ways to reach our members in person including: 

  • Social Rounds: monthly events for members to network
  • Events: throughout the year
  • Programs: frequently throughout the year

Contact: Jen Casasanta  at for more details. 

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